Industrial Website Design and Development

Intelligent Websites Focused on Qualified Lead Generation

While social media might be flashier, or email marketing might be simpler, your website remains the core of your marketing strategy.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers are so invested in producing the most technologically advanced products that their website takes a backseat. Sure, it might get a new look every now and then, or a new product line may get uploaded into an online brochure, but when is the last time you took a real, hard, close look at your website?

The answer we get a lot seems to be “not often enough.” We get it. Things have been working fine, that’s the way we’ve always done things – the excuses are usually the same.

But just like manufacturing technology, marketing technology is always changing. And so too should your website. With technology advancing so quickly, any site that is over two years old is simply outdated. While it may be functioning fine, you’re falling behind your competition.

But, odds are, you’re not just lacking a fresh new design. No, your site might be missing the mark completely when it comes to functionality – you might just be publishing an online brochure rather than focusing on generating leads.