Industrial Marketing 101: Getting Personal on Social Media

Finding your voice on Twitter helps put a face to your company.

More and more industrial manufacturers are finding their way onto Twitter, realizing that it’s just as important a tool for B2B marketing as it is for B2C. However, using Twitter to its full advantage requires more than simply participating.

I see a lot of Twitter accounts – most of them are pretty lame.

I’ve written before about how many presidents and CEOs are turning to Twitter to join the conversation, and my tips today center around those who are struggling to find their Twitter voice.

My friend Michael Gass has an excellent post on his Fuel Lines blog about how to get personal on Twitter, even if it makes you a tad uncomfortable. I pulled out my favorite 8 tips to share with you.

A lot of people have difficulty getting personal on Twitter. Many tend to over-think their tweets. The truth is, “The way you network offline is the same as the way you network online.”

1. Showing Appreciation

When others are nice enough to retweet your posts, you should be willing to acknowledge them and “pay it forward”.

Another way to show appreciation is to have a “two-way” relationship. It shouldn’t be all about you.

2. Personal Recommendations & Opinions

I share my likes and dislikes. For instance, I like Southwest Airlines and I greatly dislike US Airways.

I choose not to share my political or religious views via Twitter. A good rule when sharing personal information in any social media network is to use some common sense. I only share what I would feel comfortable sharing in person when in a mixed setting such as a business meeting, trade show, seminar, etc.

3. Location Information & Travel

Example: “My office for the week!

4. Inspirational Quotes & Stats

Example: “By 2014, video as a total of Internet traffic will rise to 90% – source CISCO”

5. Articles & Books That I Recommend

Example: “Why Is Facebook Blue? The Science Behind Colors In Marketing By @LeoWid

6. Hobbies & Projects

Twitter is a place to enlist conversations, help and resources when you are engaged in a project or want to nurture a hobby.

7. Contests & Polls

Example: “Should Ad Agency Pitches and RFPs Be a Thing of the Past? via @michaelgass”

8. Events, TV Shows & Movies

Example: “Another coach has left The Voice – who do you think should sit on next season’s panel?

Twitter is an important industrial marketing tool, but I understand it isn’t always easy to put yourself out there to the world. The next time you’re having a difficult time “being yourself” on Twitter, take a look at this list and see if you can’t find something that gives voice to who you are.

Photo credit: Frederic Poirot via photopin cc