If your customers can’t find you, you may as well not even exist. So how do you get them to find you?
If your company doesn’t appear on the first page of a search, you essentially don’t exist. Can your business afford not to be found? Probably not. But the good news is that a basic SEO understanding and strategy can help you move up in the rankings, providing you with increased traffic and visibility.
What is SEO?
SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, which can be described in simple terms as the manner in which you improve the visibility of a website or blog in search results via search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. SEO involves a combination of reasoning and creativity to help you gain visibility by search engines and enabling your company’s website to be found.
Items on your website or blog, including words, image tags and links, are analyzed by search engines and recorded as your site’s “keywords” on their servers. When a search is performed, the engines work to match this vast index of files with the words typed into the search box. Results are displayed, or ranked, from the best matched to the worst.
How does SEO work?
Various SEO strategies come into play for boosting optimization and moving you up in the rankings. There are three areas which help to frame search engine optimization for industrial manufacturers – keyword research, content creation and analysis.
Each of these include a wide variety of activities. Whether these tasks will be handled by yourself or by an outside firm, an understanding of the process and its’ components will help drive your program.
Cheaters Never Prosper
When working to increase your rankings, be sure to utilize “white hat” or ethical practices of SEO. Providing superior content, effective keyword usage, proper titles and quality inbound links are all considered white hat techniques.
Unethical, or black hat practices might have short term benefits, but can ultimately have disastrous results for your business by flagging your site as spam and banning you altogether from search engines. Examples of insipid practices include spamming, link farming, keyword stuffing and hidden content.
Search engines are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it all the more important to keep up-to-date on the continually shifting search process. Be sure your marketing objectives are driving your SEO program. Being at the top of a search page that doesn’t apply to your business isn’t going to do any good.
You can’t afford not to be found, and even a basic understanding of SEO and why it’s important will pay off handsomely when it comes to your industrial marketing efforts.